The only thing that stands in our way of finding the fearless life is something in us that tells us
"I can't." And yet, three of the most powerful words in the English language are:
"I can learn."Unlike every other creature on this earth, we are created to be changed, to go through transformations that put us into a new relationship with a different order of life if we have allowed those changes to take place. We can learn about the forces inside of us so that gradually we begin to recognize that the only thing that stands in our way of finding the fearless life is something in us that
tells us we can't.
Out of this persistence, everything changes. Until then, we don't know that everything changes because we only make a tiny attempt at something and then run into our own conclusion that it's a dead-end street. Then we try to find another street we can go down, never knowing that none of those streets go anywhere because they are created by the same mind that produces the dead-end! Mountains crumble before the one who will wait for a passage through them.
Persistence is knowing that life changes.The seasons themselves are the evidence of a reality that is always shifting, in transition, ever improving itself. We can gain new self-knowledge through the observation of the fact that everything is changing. We can discover through this persistence connected with self-knowledge -- born of awareness -- that we are in a world of changes, but within us exists something that is unchanging because we are willing to watch the changes take place. Then passages open up before us that were impossibly closed because they were closed to the person who insisted they open the way we wanted them to.
With this understanding, we can start letting go of the nature that creates its own passage, and wait for Truth -- for God's life -- to create and show us a passage through the change. Then our persistence begins to pay off because it is a gateway to a new kind of confidence and success based in a conviction we have inside of us. It's a conviction because we have experienced for ourselves that the world changes if we will watch it change. If we try to change it according to what we want however, we will never see the changes that we imagine, and will always wind up a captive of our own imaginings.
Out of this persistence comes the gradual, marvelous recognition that a big part of changing everything is learning to be persistent in waiting for the right moment for us to move through... and we have to be there when it happens! We can't run for fear that we won't accomplish what we set out to accomplish.
We live in a world that is established for us to succeed in realizing that within us dwells an Intelligence beyond fear. The whole world is set up so that we can take attention, awareness, self-knowledge, and persistence, and bring them together. We can choose to be in this moment in order to let the moment educate us, without telling ourselves what we want. We let Life give us what we need to understand.
Once we experience for ourselves that the universe is actually set up for us to succeed in becoming wise in all things, we realize in that same moment that reality itself is compassionate. It is founded in love. With this discovery, fear is dissolved, because we are no longer
apart from life. We don't have adversaries anymore. We're not fighting with anything or anyone because we have some idea of scarcity of commodity or consciousness. We have been awakened in ourselves to something in us, and it is
our knowledge.
We find that love is that wholeness, indivisibility, and recognition that all things good come to those for whom the good is all things. When you set out to find the truly fearless life, lo and behold, you discover that fear cannot dwell in the presence of this Light.
-- Guy Finley